Everybody’s doing it and I just made it with 50,228 validated words.
Normal service may be resumed sometime soon.
Everybody’s doing it and I just made it with 50,228 validated words.
Normal service may be resumed sometime soon.
Okay so maybe everybody who signed up for NaNoWriMo isn’t doing it. One or two of the buddies (that’s a technical term meaning writing friends!) haven’t posted any words at all so far.
Life gets in the Way where a high pressure undertaking like NaNo is concerned. I don’t usually post about family matters, so I won’t, but there’s been a certain measure of other pressure to deal with. It means that I don’t expect to reach 50,000 words in NaNo, but I will be much further on than I was. So come on buddies, don’t keep us in suspense – how’re you doing?
Write A Novel In A Month – Everybody’s Doing It – and now some publishers are asking to read the results. Mills and Boon UK, for example, have offered to read any romances submitted by 7th December and offer a decision by 21st December. That’s quite something. Don’t get carried away though folks – they do have lines and your submission would need to match one of those.
Didn’t see any theatre last week – see above at family pressures, but hope to catch something soon. Plenty in the Snippets column for those interested.