Watch – ed The Three Hagstanes

Three Hagstanes

Robert – the Storyteller

Robert Howat’s Three Hagstanes for Tight-laced Theatre at the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh on Sunday 22nd July was a delight. The production, written by Howat and performed by him and Jamie Monteath, mixed traditional storytelling with dramatic rendition.

The story, Howat told his audience in a post-show Q&A session, came to him after he stumbled over a field containing standing stones. He’d been enjoying a pre-stag, stag party when the group found these monuments and ‘hagstanes’ was the closest he could get to his Geordie landlady’s description of what they might be. They inspired a play about witches.

Scotland has an unwholesome record in the discovery and murder (try judicial execution, but I feel quite strongly about this issue too) of witches. Howat opts for the idea that there might have been witches, but were they evil? In his play the witches were protecting their world from the Devil by blocking up vents he mght use to escape. The knight who betrays them is caught by the mores of his time, which allowed him nothing less.

A simple set let Howat and Monteath roam freely. The small boys in the audience were entraced by the knight’s sword. The music both enhanced and paced the script. Howat’s story-telling skills were much to the fore and he has a fine vocal range enabling him to woo and surprise his audience by turn.

Alas, it was one day only, but Tight-laced bring another of his plays, Charlie and the ’45 to the same venue in November.

Work in Progress

Work in Progress

Creatives always have a WIP, don’t they? Except that having told you all about the wonderful opportunity presented by Oran Mor/Channel 4, the brain has locked down.

Happens a lot and I have to wonder whether it’s a fear of success. Well, I’m not admitting to a fear of failure!

I spent the weekend at Penrith Newton Rigg Campus of the University of Cumbria where I was a delegate at the Romantic Novelists’ Association’s annual conference. Yep, I’m not waiting around to make my fortune from playwriting, but trying other fields too. Writing conferences are great for allowing you to mingle with the big names who produce and the big names who buy. It’s also a time-out-of-time when the brain can work in free-fall without the spectre of your usual responsibilities getting in the way.

Did I come back with an idea for 50 minutes of stage time featuring not more than three characters?


However, being de-briefed by my husband on his weekend, I found the idea I need. At least I think I have.


Will keep you updated.

What am I watching? Now off to buy my ticket for Robert Howat and Tight-Laced’s production of the Three Hagstanes. 3pm at the Scottish Story-telling Centre, High Street Edinburgh, Sunday 22nd July. Myth and greed. Sounds just right for the current summer weather.